Wersja polska



    The first stage was a series of design work in order to construct an energy-self-sufficient place with a heat exchanger that uses light energy. This project not only had to ensure the required by us efficiency, but also provide continuous safe operation. The project assumed no necessity any connection to external sources of mechanical energy and electricity.
The first thing that was performed as part of the construction work was mobile steel base under the exchanger and necessary equipment. The basis is a two-level table made of steel coated with zinc protective layer. On the upper level was created a space for the hydraulic system and pump while at the bottom placed the battery. Furthermore are made bedsteads for Fresnel lens and a photovoltaic panel. Bedsteads were made in a way to allow free and multi-axis motion, so as to maximize the amount of light that arrived in the given time to the apparatus.

Furthermore we constructed hydraulic system, which allows the passage of the heating fluid from the heating element to a heat exchanger. The apparatus is made of the following materials: polypropylene (fluid-carrying wires between the elements of the installation), copper (heat exchanger), steel (expansion tank and heating element) and composite (circulation pump). In order to provide self-sufficiency energy we selected pump 12V, making it is possible to power it by external photovoltaic panel. Moreover the pump is adapted to work with hot liquids. An important stage of our work was to obtain a Fresnel lens. We dismantled it from second hand posterior projection TV. The works include: disassembly, obtaining the necessary instruments, and to conduct preliminary tests of the lens.

Due to insufficient external conditions perform installation testing had to be postponed. To perform the following steps:
    - tests of the equipment
    - optimization of the position


MinistaerstwoUnia EuropejskaPolitechnika ŁódzkaFundusze EuropejskieWIPOSNajlepsi z najlepszych