Wersja polska



The main purpose of the column is to show that the majority of bulk materials depending on the conditions of use or storage can be dangerous. In our column, the main bulk materials taken the study were flour and cinnamon.

To column is injected air to the high pressure, so as to the bulk material placed in the column  (in our case flour) can freely spray throughout the interior of the column. This increases the contact area between flour and air, thereby facilitate the process of combustion. When the concentration of flour in our column exceeds the upper explosive limit the combustion reaction starts. Ignition in column is initiated by a glow plug powered by battery. Under the influence of occurring reactions we observed rapid combustion of the bulk material in the form of explosion.

 The column to dust explosions created by our scientific circle is made of a glass tube, a solenoid valve controlling the air used for spraying the granular material in the column, the safety flap, a glow plug attached to the bottom of the column, and the confusor.  Places that can be classified as places at risk of explosion bulk material are mainly mills, sugar factories, mines, ventilation shafts, etc.

The effects of explosions of dust in some cases are worse than the explosions of the substance under a different form, because the blast generated during this explosion becomes the previously mentioned aerodynamic factor, so an explosion can spread over long distances. The values of the direct effects of the explosion dust, that is increase in pressure and temperature depend on the type of dust. The maximum temperatures at the explosion of organic dusts can be in the 2000 to 3000 K, in the case of metal dusts above 3000K.

MinistaerstwoUnia EuropejskaPolitechnika ŁódzkaFundusze EuropejskieWIPOSNajlepsi z najlepszych