Wersja polska


Dear Madams and Sirs,
The 22nd Polish Conference of Chemical and Process Engineering will take place on 5–9 September 2016, in the Olympic Sports Centre in Spała, Poland. It will be the twenty-second time that the specialists, scientists and business representatives meet to present and share their experiences in the fields of chemical and process engineering. This is an event of long traditions – our university has had the pleasure of hosting it twice already and now it’s back to Central Poland. We will be genuinely honoured to welcome the representatives of science and industry, taking part in the discussions regarding the strategic directions for research, applications, market and technological trends. We hope that the conference and all the associated events will serve as inspiration for new research projects. Visit and follow the Conference’s website (www.okichip.wipos.p.lodz.pl). There, you can find the most important information regarding this event – among others: dates, subjects, information about the organisers and location. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone or at: okichip@wipos.p.lodz.pl

Feel most welcome to join us
The Organising Committee
of the 22nd Polish Conference of Chemical and Process Engineering


MinistaerstwoUnia EuropejskaPolitechnika ŁódzkaFundusze EuropejskieWIPOSNajlepsi z najlepszych